Friday, August 10, 2007

Beat the Drum

Beat the Drum
Written and performed on Christmas day for the Church of the Province of Kenya, Homa Bay, 1996.

Beat the drum, beat the drum
Beat the drum, a child is born
Newly born for a brand new year
One two three, a child Is born
Beat the drum, come celebrate
Food and gifts and flowers fresh
Fresh new songs of love and life.

Beat the drum, beat the drum
Seized by the African spirit, beat the drum
Let's all dance to the rhythm anew
Of a new child born
To the pulsating beat of the big drums
Beat the drum, let's sing together
Songs of love and life born again
One two three beat the drum.

Beat the drum, beat the drum
For all and Sundry, loud and clear
East and West, there and here
Near and far, all you hear
The bum bum bum of a newborn drum
Tapping the rhythm of life born again
One two three beat the drum.

Beat the drum, beat the drum,
Wherever you are, beat the drum
Let the drum of Christ be loud and clear,
Let Him be newly born in your hearts
Clap your hands and shake your heads
For a child is born, like none before
And life this time gets new meaning.


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